Your mom thinks
we’re great.

Why Does She Think We’re Great?

We’re committed to bringing ideas to life.

A few of the things we are most passionate about:

Great Design

Elevate your brand with our commitment to delivering great design that captivates, communicates, and leaves a lasting impression, every time.

Having Fun

Experience the joy of creativity as we infuse every project with a sense of fun, injecting enthusiasm and passion into our graphic design process to make collaboration an enjoyable journey.

Quality Product

At the core of our values lies a dedication to providing a quality product, ensuring that every design we produce for your business not only meets but exceeds industry standards.


Tailoring our approach to meet your unique needs, we embrace flexibility, adapting to changes and challenges with agility to deliver solutions that perfectly align with your vision and goals.

About us.

Kendra Yoakum

Designer & Co-Founder

Hey there! I'm a graphic designer and artist who is passionate about beautiful and functional designs, unique business solutions and the realization of dreams. Most often fueled by an iced caramel latte, you will find me working on my latest designs and art commissions in my home state of Arizona.

Designer & Co-Founder

Khalaiah Valdez

Howdy! I'm a California native who has found a home in the Arizona desert. As a visual communicator, my mission is to connect brands with their audience in a way that's innovated and engaging. From crafting eye-catching designs to telling compelling stories, I love creating experiences that leave a lasting impression.

About you.

Dear Santa, all we want for Christmas is the ideal client! If you read these three integral pillars of the ideal client and think “that’s me!”, we want to hear from you.


Excited about collaborating.

You are excited about working with a creative team to establish a strong collaborative relationship where we can build off of each other’s expertise to create the ultimate power project team.


Passionate about new & innovative ideas.

You probably lay awake at night thinking about new business ventures and how they might come to life one day. We can help those dreams become reality.


Ready to commit 
to your bit.

You are ready to take the leap and commit to making your dreams a reality. We know it's not always easy to take that first step, but we're here to be your cheerleaders and help you every step of the way.

Our origin story:

It All Started With a Paddle

Picture this: we’re paddling at Canyon Lake, having a grand ol’ time, when suddenly, the idea hits us like the wake we were already fighting against. Why not start our own design agency?

Sure, it was a bit of a joke at first, but the more we thought about it, the more we loved the idea. We could go to the lake whenever we wanted, and even bring our clients along for the ride.

We were all in on this "bit" and within just a few weeks, we had officially launched The Bit. Our agency was born out of a love for creativity and a willingness to commit to the bit. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it. Now, we're living the dream, doing what we love, and having fun along the way.

Let’s grab coffee.

Ready to Get Started?